Traditionally, spring has been the best time to sell a house, but that may be changing. MLS data shows that in several areas the number of sold listings have increased from June to September over the past few years. Beyond that, there are several sound, common-sense reasons to list your house during the summer. Let’s look at 6 reasons why summer is the best time to sell your Colorado Springs house.
1. High Demand, Tight Supply, and Less Competition
When summer rolls around, many people are ready to purchase a home. Along with this increased seasonal demand, though, there usually isn’t a corresponding increase inventory. Summer, then, presents a situation in which there is high demand, but not enough inventory to meet that demand. And this means that summer is the best time to sell because when you list your house, you will likely get plenty of interest and multiple offers.
This lower inventory in the midst of strong demand also means that you will have less competition when you list. Your chances of selling quicker and at a better price are greatly increased during the summer months. Summer becomes pretty much a seller’s market.
2. Online Searches Increase
Another reason why summer is the best time to sell your Colorado Springs house is that online searches increase significantly. And that is important in this day and age when the vast majority of buyers begin their house searches online. During the summer months, people are staying inside out of the brutal heat, but they haven’t stopped house hunting – they are just doing more of it online. This is also one reason why you must have an agent who understands online marketing. (Discover more here: 1 (800) 344-4164.)
3. Buyers Are in a Hurry to Close
Most people who are house hunting during the summer want to close before fall when school starts. As a seller, you always have more leverage when a buyer is in a hurry to close. It’s a huge advantage then when buyers want all the paperwork signed before fall rolls around.
4. Buyers Have More Down Time
Buyers may be in a rush to close before fall, but they also have more downtime for house hunting during the summer. School is out, the holidays are far away, business slows down, and many people are on vacation. All of this means more time for people to research the market and find your home when you list it.
5. Summer Means Better Listing Photos
Quality listing photos are more important than ever, especially since the bulk of buyers do most of their searching online. And summertime provides the best opportunity for good listing photos. Skies are clear and sunny, the lighting is good, lawns are green, and flowers are blooming. Summer is the best time for the best outdoor photos, which ultimately means more effective marketing.
6. Greater Curb Appeal
Similarly, summer is the best time to sell your Colorado Springs house because curb appeal will be at its best. Your lawn and the outside of your home will look their best and be more appealing during the summer when trees are leafed out, lawns are green, and the weather permits touching up paint. Lighting will also be its best for more hours both outside and inside.
These are indeed good reasons why summer is the best time to sell your market_city] house, but they certainly aren’t all the reasons. And the converse is that while summer may be the best time to sell, the season also presents its own set of problems and challenges. And that’s why you need a qualified local agent to help you sell during the summer.